• How to be a perfect blogger

    As a blogger, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant need to produce new content and grow your audience. But in the pursuit of success, it’s crucial to not forget about self-care. In this article, I’ll be sharing my personal experience on how self-care has helped me to maintain balance, manage stress and prevent burnout while blogging.

    One of the most important aspects of self-care for me has been setting boundaries. As a blogger, it’s easy to feel like you’re always “on” and that you need to be available to your readers 24/7. But it’s important to set boundaries and make time for yourself. This could be as simple as taking a break from social media or scheduling specific times during the day to check and respond to emails.

    Another important aspect of self-care is taking breaks. As a blogger, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant need to create new content, but it’s important to take a step back and give yourself a break. This could be as simple as taking a day off or a weekend away, or even just taking a few minutes to meditate or do some yoga.

    In addition to setting boundaries and taking breaks, making time for hobbies and activities has also been crucial for my self-care. As a blogger, it’s easy to get caught up in the “blogging bubble” and forget about the things you used to enjoy. Whether it’s

  • Embracing Imperfections: How I Learned to Overcome Criticism and Grow as a Writer

    As a blogger and writer, receiving criticism is an inevitable part of the process. However, it can be difficult to handle and often has the power to make one feel discouraged. It took me some time, but I have learned to embrace imperfections and use criticism as an opportunity to grow.

    When I first started my blog, A Glad Diary, I received a lot of criticism for my poor grammar, spelling and the overall structure of my sentences. It was hard to handle and I felt discouraged, but I didn’t let it stop me. I took the opportunity to improve my writing skills, I read books on grammar, style and structure. I also practiced writing every day and I sought feedback from others.

    I also learned that criticism is not always a bad thing. It can be a valuable tool for growth and self-improvement. I started to see it as an opportunity to learn from others and to identify areas where I needed to improve. I also learned to take a step back, and not to take things personally.

    I’ve come to understand that no one is perfect, and that’s okay. Embracing imperfections means accepting that we all have flaws and that it’s okay to make mistakes. It’s about being open to learning and growing, rather than trying to be perfect.

  • My opinion

    As someone who has been blogging for several years and also someone who has experienced many different aspects of life, I have learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way. In this article, I’ll be sharing some of the most important lessons I’ve learned in life and blogging.

    One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the value of persistence. When I first started my blog, A Glad Diary, my writing skills were not the best and my blog struggled to gain traction. But I didn’t let that discourage me. I took the opportunity to learn and grow as a writer. I read books on grammar and style, and I practiced writing every day. And eventually, my blog began to take off.

    Another important lesson I’ve learned is the importance of embracing imperfections. As a blogger, I’ve received my fair share of criticism, but I’ve learned to take it as an opportunity to improve and grow. I’ve learned that it’s important to embrace your imperfections and to use the feedback to become better.

    I have also learned that it’s important to have a support system. Whether it’s a spouse, a friend, or a family member, having someone who believes in you and supports you can make all the difference. I am grateful for the support of my husband, who has encouraged me to continue writing despite the challenges.

    Lastly, I’ve learned the importance of balance. As a blogger, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant need to produce new content, but I’ve learned that it’s important to take a step

  • From Blogging Beginner to Pro: My Writing Journey”

    When I first started my blog, A Glad Diary, I was just a beginner with a passion for writing. I had no idea what I was doing and my skills were far from polished. My grammar was poor, my spelling was questionable, and my sentences were often hard to follow. But despite the challenges, I persisted and over time, my writing has improved and my blog has grown.

    It all began in 2010, when a colleague inspired me to start my own blog. I called it aucourantpriness, a name that I later changed to A Glad Diary. I wrote about anything and everything that interested me, but my writing wasn’t well received by many readers. I received a lot of criticism and my blog struggled to gain traction.

    But I didn’t let that discourage me. I took the opportunity to learn and grow as a writer. I read books on grammar and style, and I practiced writing every day. I also earned my Bachelor’s degree, which helped me to improve my writing skills. And eventually, my blog began to take off.

    One of my passions was to seek out beautiful dresses at RIHOAS. I wrote about my experiences shopping and trying on different styles and designs. I also wrote about my travels and the different places I visited, sharing my tips and recommendations for food and adventure. I also wrote about product reviews and home design finds.

    It wasn’t always easy, and I still receive criticism from time to time. But I’ve learned to embrace my imperfections and to use the feedback to improve my writing. I am grateful for the support of my husband, who encouraged me to continue writing despite the challenges.

    Looking back on my journey, I am proud of how far I’ve come as a writer and a blogger. I may have started as a beginner, but through hard work and determination, I’ve become a pro. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my musings and experiences with my readers, and I look forward to continuing to grow and improve as a writer.

  • “Fashion and Style: My Favorite Places to Shop and Find Inspiration”

    As someone who is passionate about fashion and style, I have had the opportunity to discover some amazing places to shop and find inspiration. In this article, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite places to shop and find inspiration for fashion and style.

    First on my list is the “RIHOAS” store. Located in my hometown of Cebu, Philippines, RIHOAS is known for its high-quality and unique clothing items. The store has a wide range of styles and designs, from classic and elegant to modern and edgy. I love visiting RIHOAS and trying on different pieces, it’s always an exciting shopping experience.

    Next, I have to mention the “ABC Fashion District” in Paris, France. This area is known as the fashion capital of the world, and it’s home to some of the biggest fashion houses and designers. I had the opportunity to visit the district and it was a truly inspiring experience. I was able to see the latest fashion trends and designs, and it really got my creative juices flowing.

    Another place I love to shop is online store “DEF Online Fashion” it’s always a go-to destination for me when I’m looking for stylish and affordable clothing items. They have a wide range of styles and designs that cater to different occasions and tastes. I also appreciate the website’s user-friendly interface and fast delivery

  • prom dresses


    I’m Lily and this is my blog where you can find information about cosmetic novelties and my thoughts on them. I’m here to share women’s fashion and online shopping experiences in foreign countries.

    I try to stick to a healthy lifestyle and will explain how I do it as interestingly and clearly as possible.

    I also love sharing interesting places and trips I’ve been on.

    I absolutely love the dress and the red lipstick 🙂

    Hope my experience is useful to you.

    I would like to say that what I write is only my experience and is based on my subjective opinion.

    I often check some women’s clothing sites with stylish designs such as Rihoas

    It was a pleasure sharing my personal story with you.. If I come across more iworthwhileo or relevantthings, I’ll let you know.

    I hope you enjoy my personal sharing; if there is anything elseworthwhileteresting or new I find, I will let you know.

    A passion for fashion has always been evident throughout my life and my interest in photography has also been around since a very young age. Makeup has long been a part of me as well. As a result, I began sharing more publications on this topic since I recently started investigating.This is especially now that I have expertise in this field.

  • how to make dressing

    Depois de um Verão repleto de sol e calor nada como trocar as peças do meu guarda roupa por algo mais quentinho, e dar, finalmente as boas vindas ao frio. Não vou mentir, fico incrivelmente empolgada com o Outono e Inverno, associo sempre a boas alturas para fazer mudanças, até mesmo pessoais.

     I really love to seek the beautiful dress at RIHOAS

    Mas o mais relevante para este post é mesmo a necessidade que sinto em minimizar a quantidade de roupa que tenho e elevar a qualidade com peças básicas mas que nunca saem de moda. Acho que o básico é mais importante no que toca ao nosso guarda roupa, pois facilitam e muito na hora de combinar. 

    Rihoas é uma das marcas que nos pode ajudar a encontrar aquela peça ou peças, mega tendência sem que passem de moda num estalar de dedos e por isso vou partilhar convosco 6 artigos que estão na minha wish list. 

  • introduce the second week

    The dress I like

    Hey, Dylan here. I’m the soul behind ‘A Glad Diary’. A Glad Diary is a lifestyle blog. I muse about travel, home design, product reviews, life lessons, and crazy amounts of lists.

    Since you’re on this page to get to know me more, let’s start from the beginning, shall we?

    I hail from the beautiful island of Cebu, Philippines. I met my husband, Gideon, in the same city but it wasn’t anything romantic. In fact, we were both dating someone else when we first said our hellos. lol. It’s funny how things turn out at times.

    It was in Singapore where the friendship develop. And now, well, we became a family of 3.

     all started in 2010. It wasn’t anything serious. A colleague inspired me to start my own blog. I write whatever. Sentences are hard to follow. My grammar was non-existent. The spelling, nah, forget it!

    If you happen to visit aucourantpriness at that time (now A Glad Diary), within 5 seconds, I’d probably land on your rarely used website block list! lol. And I already earned a Bachelor’s Degree at that.

     I really love to seek the beautiful dress at www.rihoas.com

    What do I know, I’m just some thick face out there parading her flaws.

    But of course, I had my fair share of critics too. I’m not against them though. If they only invited me in, I’ll be that one girl screaming the loudest, “Yeah, my writing sucks!”

    Thank you so much for broadcasting my imperfections, the more motivated I am to improve. Well, not really! It was the hubby who encouraged me to write again.

  • My introduce of the beautiful cloth&dress

    The cloth of my favourite


    I’m Lily and this is my blog where you can find information about cosmetic novelties and my thoughts on them. I’m here to share women’s fashion and online shopping experience in foreign countries.

    I try to stick to a healthy lifestyle and will explain how I do it as interestingly and clearly as possible.

    I also love sharing interesting places and trips I’ve been to.

    I absolutely love the dress and the red lipstick 🙂

    Hope my experience is useful to you.

    I would like to say that what I write is only my experience and is based on my subjective opinion.

    I often check some women’s clothing sites with good designs such as Rihoas

    I hope you like my personal sharing, if there are other interesting things or new things I find, I will come up and share them.

    I hope you like my personal sharing, if there are other interesting things or new things I find, I will come up and share them.

    I’m 26 years old, I have a degree in Design from the University of Aveiro, a Master’s degree in Industrial and Product Design from the University of Porto, and professional training in make-up.

    A passion for fashion has always been evident throughout my life and my interest in photography has also been around since a very young age. Makeup has long been a part of me as well, but I recently started investigating and as a result, I started sharing more publications on this topic, especially now that I have expertise in this field.

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